Helpful Links
Frequently Used Legal Forms for Landlords
Verification of Compliance Form - Evictions
Forcible Detainer Hearing Notice
Forcible Detainer Settlement Agreement
Small Claims Court Interrogatories
Small Claims Court Counterclaim
Landlord Organizations
Greater Lexington Apartment Association
Louisville Apartment Association
Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association
Fayette County Constables
Wade McNabb – First District - (859) 359-8120
Richard McCulloch
Tony Coffey
Brian Miller
Gary Carrigan
Denny Ford
Fees - Beginning June 27, 2019, per the revised law, will be required to charge $60.00 to serve forcible detainers & writs.
Kenneth Winburn - Second District - (859) 523-0772
Jim "Smitty" Smith
Randall Pitts
Dean Roberts
Andrew Lynn
Jerry Terrill
Fees - Beginning June 27, 2019, per the revised law, will be required to charge $60.00 to serve forcible detainers & writs. Will extend an extra hour free of charge on all writs. Will serve all eviction complaints within 24 hours after receiving them.
Eddie Sparks - Third District - (859) 309-2807
Walter Petot
Robert Berberich
William "Bill" Arnold
Fees - Beginning June 27, 2019, per the revised law, will be required to charge $60.00 to serve forcible detainers & writs, plus $30.00 per hour after the first hour. Accepts credit cards.