Articles — material noncompliance
The Tenant's Bill of Rights
Posted by Stephen Marshall on
There's been a lot of talk in Lexington about adopting a set of proposals being called the "Tenant's Bill of Rights". That talk sounds good. We're all in favor of rights for everyone - so why not rights for tenants? No one in history worth remembering ever opposes a "bill of rights", right? This crusade is an excellent example of framing an issue to gain sympathy and support from those who don't have the time or the interest to look further into the issues. But here's the truth of the matter: tenants in Lexington already have a "bill of rights"....
- Tags: evictions, KRS 383.300, lease termination, lease violations, material noncompliance, notices, retaliatory eviction, Tenant's Bill of Rights, URLTA
A Refresher and Update on Evictions
Posted by Stephen Marshall on
A NEW YEAR’S PRIMER ON EVICTIONS Happy New Year, everyone. It’s always good to see a new year because it means you’re still in the game. At the beginning of each year, I like to do a refresher course on evictions, but rising Covid numbers has put a damper on that. I may do it later in the year. But I wanted to put a few reminders out that will help make your eviction cases more successful. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR NOTICES Evictions are all about getting the details right, and that starts with your notices. Get the names and...
A Utility Assistance Program for Tenants
Posted by Stephen Marshall on