Kentucky's New Assistance Animal Law: What Landlords Need to Know

Posted by Stephen Marshall on


        As in most other states, Kentucky landlords have been flooded with requests for Assistance Animals from their tenants. Those requests have resulted in a cottage industry of websites where tenants can, upon the completion of a brief questionnaire and subsequent payment, obtain a letter that authoritatively states that the tenant is disabled and in need of an Assistance Animal to alleviate the symptoms of their mental or emotional disability. Plenty of landlords are left confused by such letters written by a “professional” in California, Nevada, or New Jersey diagnosing their tenant in Kentucky.

        Fortunately, Kentucky landlords gained a needed legislative victory this past spring on this issue with the passage of House Bill (HB) 329, which will be codified as KRS 383.085. HB 329 was introduced by Representative Adam Koenig (R-69th). It passed the House by a vote of 87-0 and the Senate by a vote of 38-0. It will take effect on July 14, 2018. Click here to read the full version of KRS 383.085. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. It defines an “Assistance Animal” to include any animal that works, provides, assistance, or performs tasks for a person with a disability or that provides emotional support that alleviates a symptom or effect of a disability. Thus, “Assistance Animal” covers both Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals, and closely tracks the standard HUD guidelines.
  2. It provides that a disabled person may request a reasonable accommodation to keep an Assistance Animal in their housing. This is no change from what the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) already provides.
  3. It provides that landlords may require reliable documentation of the disability related need for the animal if the disability or need is not readily apparent. Again, this is no different from the FHA. However, it goes on to state that the landlord may require documentation from a person with whom the disabled person “has or had a therapeutic relationship”. “Therapeutic relationship” is defined as the provision of medical care, program care, or personal care services, in good faith, to the person with a disability by:
a. A mental health service provider;
b. An individual or entity with a valid, unrestricted state license, certification, or registration to serve persons with disabilities; or
c. A caregiver, reliable third party, or a government entity with actual knowledge of the person's disability.

              This seems to go a bit further than HUD has in the past in stating that the person providing verification of the disability or need for the accommodation be in a therapeutic relationship with the disabled person. This would seemingly rule out verification by online “practitioners” who have a single transaction with the disabled person, rather than a relationship involving the provision of services to the disabled person.

      1. In evaluating the documentation provided to verify the need for the animal, the bill allows landlords to independently verify the authenticity of any documentation. This would allow landlords to contact the purported author of the letter to verify that the person did, in fact, issue the letter. Landlords will have decisions to make about whether to grant the accommodation request when/if the author fails to respond, which I can envision being a frequent occurrence. My initial thought would be that the request would be denied pending verification from the author, especially in cases where the letter has multiple indicators of fraud (poor spelling/grammar, cannot locate the author via web searches, not on letterhead, etc.).
      2. It requires that all disabled persons who are allowed an Assistance Animal to follow the lease and any other rules that apply to other residents, as long as those rules do not interfere with the disabled person’s ability to use and enjoy the property. It further requires that the disabled person be liable for any damage caused by the Assistance Animal, as long as other pet owners are likewise liable for such damages. This rule tracks the HUD requirements. See my post on The 10 Commandments of Assistance Animals for more information on the legal restrictions that may be placed on Assistance Animals and their owners.
      3. It follows HUD’s guidance that landlords may not charge any fees, deposits, rent, or other up-front amounts for the Assistance Animal.
      4. It provides that the landlord is not liable for injuries caused by Assistance Animals that are only allowed on the property as a reasonable accommodation based on disability. While I’m glad this provision was included in the bill and passed, I question whether it will actually shield landlords from liability in cases where the landlord has reason to know that the Assistance Animal is dangerous and fails to take reasonable steps to prevent it from causing injury or damage. See my post on Kentucky’s new dog-bite liability law.
      5. The final provision is, in my opinion, the most important part of the law, as most of the preceding provisions simply track HUD’s interpretation of the FHA. The final provision makes it a criminal violation to knowingly do any of the following:
      a. Misrepresent as a part of a request for a reasonable accommodation to maintain an assistance animal in a dwelling that the person has a disability or disability-related need for the use of an Assistance Animal;
      b. Make materially false statements for the purpose of obtaining documentation for the use of an assistance animal in housing;
      c. Create or execute a document that misrepresents an animal as an Assistance Animal for use in housing;
      d. Provide a document to another falsely stating that an animal is an Assistance Animal for use in housing; or
      e. Fit an animal, which is not an Assistance Animal, with a harness, collar, vest, or sign that the pet is an Assistance Animal for use in housing.    

                      Anyone who commits one of those acts faces a fine of up to $1,000.00. In order for this provision to have a strong deterrent effect, landlords need to get the word out. My suggestion is to add a provision to your Rental Application and you Lease Agreements, as well as placing notices and/or signs in your leasing office, with the following language:

              “Our properties are committed to compliance with federal, state, and local Fair Housing laws. As such, we will gladly grant reasonable accommodations to our rules, policies, practices, or services when there is a disability related need for the accommodation in order to afford people with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy their housing. Specifically, we gladly allow Assistance Animals as an accommodation for qualified tenants with disabilities. However, please be aware that pursuant to KRS 383.085, knowingly providing false information or documents in an attempt to obtain an Assistance Animal in housing is a criminal violation punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.00.”

                      Feel free to modify this language as you see fit, but the goal is to make tenants and applicants aware that (1) you welcome disabled tenants and Assistance Animals and (2) it is a crime to knowingly commit fraud in order to get an Assistance Animal.

                      I’m sure that I will update this post with suggestions as the law gets clarified. If you’d like more information on Assistance Animals, I highly suggest you attend one of my Landlord Education Conferences (the next one on Fair Housing is on October 17) or one of the Fair Housing seminars that I conduct. If you have questions about how to act in accordance with the FHA or KRS 383.085, you should contact your friendly neighborhood attorney.

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              • I live at the Roosevelt’s in Owensboro Kentucky when we first moved in there was a thing on my knees that said dogs not over a certain weight all of a sudden I’m seeing many large dogs pit bulls and such and some look pretty mean and they will try to charge at you what can I do about this if it’s a service dog no one ever mentioned that they change the rules or the least even when I renewed my lease so what about that case here what should we do or how can we handle this another thing when we go down the elevator and this Pitbull gets on with us it’s a scary thing they have asked this person to use the stairways and he does not what do we do about that it’s not fair to us

                Leticia Payne on
              • Hi I live in Louisville Kentucky and I have an ems Maltese. I was wondering if I could petition to the apartment complex I live in that I require a spare key for someone to come in and take my dog out when I am working and am at clinical. I am a nursing student. I asked for a spare key and they stated they dont provide spare keys.

                Mackenzie Burns on
              • I have a question. I live in an income based apartment. I have an esa 1 year old puppy. She has come a long way but is still learning some things. She is naturally vocal. But 90% of the time she is now quiet. The apartments have a new owner and they did inspection the other day. I was charging her bark collar bc she doesn’t like when I leave and will initially bark so I guess they heard a little of that as I left the house for 15 mins. When I came back she was quiet.I got a letter on my door today heading was 7 days to vacant. And listed dog as violation of noise ordanance and to fix it in 7 days? I’m not even sure what I’m suppose to do about that. They haven’t been around long enough to know anything about me or my animal and hasn’t bothered to talk to me about this. They didn’t say anything to me during their inspection. She is a dog so there will always be some noise from time to time she is a living being but I am still working with her so things will improve still yet.I just want everything to be fair and unbiased. I don’t want to loose my dog bc she makes sounds some times.She doesn’t bark 24/7 and shes not incessant.How can I protect myself and my dog? How should i even address this. Please thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully answer this. Sincerely k

                Kristen on
              • To the administrator, Your posts are always well-timed and relevant.

                Omer Grisham on
              • I live in a privately own apartments that is partnered with the goverment houseing.. Only seniors and disabled can live here { ssi and ss 0nly}.. Now is it true that if you have a emotioal support animal the landlord IS NOT suppose to charge pet deposit ?? Because Here The Ower Does !!!! Thank you for the information….

                Connie on

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